The Noosphere Store is a place where you can buy items with an idea.

The online store started as a shop with souvenirs from NGO «Association Noosphere» iconic events.

Our goal is to develop STEM education in Ukraine, as well as to promote science, space exploration, and innovation.

  • 200+
  • 100+ topics: from art events to space hackathons
  • 170+ products
    with unique stories

We have created a community of people united by a love for space, technology, and inventing. Clothing and souvenirs from the Noosphere Store are made for people inspired by science, innovation, and the mysteries of the universe, and who also appreciate quality and unusual designs.

The Noosphere Store means idea, community, style, quality, and thoughtful detail. We can avoid dull days when we add a bit of beauty to them: jot down your ideas in a stylish notebook, brew tea in a beautiful French press, drink coffee with elegant cups, and light candles with the scent of our galaxy.

Modern-day Newtons don’t need to sit under an apple tree to make brilliant discoveries. But a stylish hoodie can help ;)

All proceeds go to NGO “Association Noosphere” for the development of its social and educational projects.

It’s nice to wear stylish and quality clothes, and it’s even nicer to be part of a large community that is educating a new generation of scientists and innovators who will build Ukraine’s future and take it to the stars.

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